How can the farmer field school approach be used to support agroecological transitions in family farming in the Global South?

How can the farmer field school approach be used to support agroecological transitions in family farming in the Global South? The key to implementing farmer field schools (FFS) is to trigger an experimentation process based on collaboration between a group of farmers and a facilitator. The purpose of this document is to provide project managers, […]
Methodological recommendations to better evaluate the effects of farmer field schools mobilized to support agroecological transitions

Methodological recommendations to better evaluate the effects of farmer field schools mobilized to support agroecological transitions The Farmer Field School (FFS) approach, based on group experimentation of innovative practices and/or farming systems, is in line with participatory farm advisory efforts. This approach has an ambitious goal: strengthening farmers’ skills so that they can adapt their […]
Smallholder farming and the transition to agroecology

CALAO Project: Capitalization of Experiences in West Africa; Factors that further or limit the development of agro-ecological practices; Evaluation of the socio-economic and agro-environmental effects

Managed by AVSF in 2017, the CALAO Project is a Capitalization of stakeholder experience for the development of resilient agro-ecological techniques in West Africa, supported by AFD and ECOWAS. This project consisted of a work of evaluation and capitalization of the agro-environmental and socio-economic effects and impact of agro-ecological practices and systems on the basis […]
Family Farmers are key to fighting climate change!

Family Farmers are key to fighting climate change! Recommendations by the Climate and Development Commission of Coordination Sud (France) for the Lima conference on climate change (COP 20 – December 1st – December 12th 2014, Lima – Peru) Today more than ever before, agriculture is faced with a major challenge: ensure the food and nutritional […]
InternatIonal year of famIly farmIng: for the polItIcal recognItIon of the effIcIency and performance of small-scale farmIng!

International year of family farming: for the political recognition of the efficiency and performance of small-scale farmIng! Despite its considerable assets, family farming is all too often faced with persistent exclusion from access to natural resources and services. Its vulnerability to economic and climate crises, to free trade and investment policies and to price instability […]
Fair Share of Water: Ensuring access to water for family farming in the South

Guarantee water for family farming Fair Share of Water: Ensuring access to water for family farming in the South (Coordination Sud Report) Water is an essential asset on which peasant societies of the South strongly depend for their sub-sistence and, more generally speaking, for the production of food products. But competition for water is constantly […]
From the ”post-2012” regime to the ”post-2020” climate regime: a long and winding road

Review of Durban Conference From the ”post-2012” regime to the ”post-2020” climate regime: a long and winding road Review of the 17th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 28th November-11th December 2011, Durban, South Africa The prospect of establishing a future global climate agreement that is ambitious, equitable and […]
Small scale livestock farming and food sovereignty

Food sovereignty and livestock Small scale livestock farming and food sovereignty A position paper by VSF Europa February 2012 VSF Europa recognizes Food Sovereignty (FS) as a guiding principle for its actions. FS is a complex concept that goes beyond food security and encompasses not only a guaranteed access to food, but also democratic control […]
In defence of family farms: Which ones and why?

In defence of family farms In defence of family farms: Which ones and why? The Agriculture and Food Commission of Coordination SUD (French NGO’s network) undertook this study in an attempt to put family farming back into it rightful place as the core business of development in the South. It underlines the benefits of small […]
Which public policies for family farming in developing countries ?

Public policies for family farming Which public policies for family farming in developing countries ? A previous report by Coordination SUD’s Agriculture and Food Commission (C2A – French NGO’s Network) shows that family farms have certain advantages in terms of their ability to respond to development challenges. Their capacity to employ a large family workforce […]
Guaranteeing access to water for small farmers: powerpoint presentation

Guaranteeing access to water for small farmers: powerpoint presentation