Become a member
Get involved in the life of our organisation
Members are involved in the institutional life of our organisation and help define its strategic orientations. By becoming a member, you can take real action to support smallholder farming and the transition to agroecology.
Agronomes & Vétérinaires Sans Frontières is a registered charity with over 200 members in France and in the countries where it works.
Memberships are valid from January 1 to December 31 of the current year.

Four reasons to become a member
Defend our organisation’s values and support our actions targeting smallholder families.
Be the first to know about AVSF’s local, national and international actions.
Take part in discussions and help define AVSF’s strategic orientations in terms of cooperation.
Participate in the annual general meeting and elect the board of directors.
22 members make up the Board of Directors, which sets the association’s strategic direction.
Jean-François LAMOUREUX,
Vice-President of Association Life.
Other ways to get involved
Participate in festivals, raise awareness in schools, hold film debates… Take action close to home by joining our network of volunteers!
By making a donation to AVSF, you are making a lasting contribution to 162,000 farming families in the South, and making a commitment to the future of the planet and humanity.