The path to greener pastures. Pastoralism, the backbone of the world’s dryands

The path to greener pastures. Pastoralism, the backbone of the world’s dryands Technical brief VSF-International Pastoralism is a livelihood system based on free-grazing animals that is used by communities in marginal areas. The land may be marginal for various reasons, including poor water supply or soil quality, extreme temperatures, steep slopes and remoteness. Pastoralism enables […]
Economic efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural water use in family farming

Economic efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural water use in family farming The question of the economic efficiency of water use is often raised in all national and international arenas, with some industries readily questioning water usage in peasant farming compared to other modes of farming. In 2013, AGTER, AVSF and GRET (three members of the […]
Fair Share of Water: Ensuring access to water for family farming in the South

Guarantee water for family farming Fair Share of Water: Ensuring access to water for family farming in the South (Coordination Sud Report) Water is an essential asset on which peasant societies of the South strongly depend for their sub-sistence and, more generally speaking, for the production of food products. But competition for water is constantly […]
Guaranteeing access to water for small farmers: powerpoint presentation

Guaranteeing access to water for small farmers: powerpoint presentation
Water and Food Security facing global change: what challenges, what solutions

Water and Food Security Water and Food Security facing global change: what challenges, what solutions? Contribution to the international debate The subject of this report is “water for food” as a key issue for food security. It relates to water as a “resource” for irrigated and rain-fed agriculture – a fundamental resource since food cannot […]
Guaranteeing access to water for small farmers

Access to water for small farmers Guaranteeing access to water for small farmers Water is an essential resource for farmers in developing countries. They need it to produce food, irrigate their crops, water their livestock and maintain fish stocks, but competition over access to water is constantly intensifying due to demographic growth, industrialisation, urbanisation, and […]